Meet some of the family. Some have been with us since the beginning and others have joined us along the way. Whether new or old, the important thing is that we are all striving to move onward and upward for the Lord.
Our Bishop
“I desire to raise a generation of bible-believing Christians who are firmly rooted and grounded in the truths of God’s word.”
Victor Tey is our bishop and the man that God used to plant this church.
“I was born in 1986 and grew up in Perth WA. In public school I was taught evolution and raised in the ways of atheism by my teachers. After my older brother, Jason Tey, was saved in 2001, we shared countless discussions about Christianity in the small apartment we shared at the time. In 2005, I was finally convinced that the bible was the word of God and called upon the Lord.
From that time I began attending a Bible-Presbytarian church in WA where I became actively involved in the youth group and church ministries. As I learned more about the bible and the errors of protestant reformed theology, I decided to leave the Bible-Presbyterian denomination and seek a church that aligned with my beliefs and convictions so I could serve the body of Christ whole-heartedly.
In 2009, I travelled to Phoenix AZ, USA on a one year work/travel visa where I met and married my wife, Elizabeth. This unexpected turn of events lead us to Mexico in 2010, where we lived for about one year, to apply for Elizabeth’s spouse visa for Australia.
In 2011, we returned to Australia and settled in Sydney. We started serving at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Phillip Bay to prepare for the ministry. On the 22nd of February 2015, I was ordained by Mark Tossell and sent out to plant a new church in the South Western Sydney area. The first meeting was on Sunday, the 1st of March 2015.
My goal for this church is to create a community where the word of God is truly the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. No doctrine unquestioned, no conviction untested, no tradition too sacred.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
I desire to raise a generation of bible-believing Christians who are firmly rooted and grounded in the truths of God’s word. A generation that not only knows what they believe, but why they believe it. We can make a difference in this world and it must begin at the house of God.
Elizabeth and I have been happily married for 12 years (since 7th August 2010) and are raising 7 beautiful children together.”
1. Simon (12)
2. Timothy (10)
3. Sarah (9)
4. Abel (7)
5. Noah (5)
6. Hannah (2)
7. Leah (0)
Scuglia Family
“We were stunned at the comprehensive level of biblical instruction and analysis the congregation was exposed to each and every week.”
“We were introduced to this church by our daughter and son in law who were long-time members. The time proved opportunistic, as we both had many unanswered or unsatisfactory responses to important questions concerning foundational beliefs of the Catholic Church. Two in particular were salvation through sacraments and meritorious works and the role of Mary as co-mediator between God and men.
After deciding to give this young, independent, bible-based church a go, we were stunned at the comprehensive level of biblical instruction and analysis the congregation was exposed to each and every week. Especially that it could be studied and applied to our daily, relevant living. Former questions were very soon answered with evidence from multiple biblical sources and put to rest any previous confusion, especially on the issue of salvation when the simple truth of the Gospel was revealed.
We thoroughly enjoy the logically structured sermons on all matters pertaining to Jesus Christ, his word, and what it means to our life. Added to this is the bonus of fellowship with friendly like-minded people who revere the Word of God and show genuine respect for one another. We are very happy and grateful to be part of this vibrant, solid-grounded church, and to Victor Tey as our pastor.”
Yuseco Family
“This church constantly reminds us of God’s great love for us and how we ought to give him glory with our lives.“
“Glory to God that we have had the privilege to be apart of this church from the start and how refreshing it has been. We thank God for the power of his Word and how it is the only standard in this church.
Interestingly it’s a church that pushes you to be as Christ like as possible even though you have struggles, trials and hardship; the bishop and fellow believers in the church are very helpful in any matter, and every topic is treated with respect and all seriousness.
This church constantly reminds us of God’s great love for us and how we ought to give him glory with our lives. We are ambassadors of Christ and this church helps give you the experience to preach the gospel clearly.
It is evident to me that we are growing in our love for God by growing in our love for each other, there have been times Christine has not been well and the others have helped prepare meals and send messages of encouragement. We have been greatly blessed by everyone from this church, especially from Victor, with the help of God and his Word.”
Martincich Family
“We have been truly blessed by the Lord that we have found, and are able to serve in, a church that stands firm on the fundamentals of the faith.”
“Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ to be honoured enough to attend this local, bible-believing church in Sydney! We had been following the church online for around a year but only started attending in mid 2016.
After I got saved in 2015, I found out about the church online and began listening to Victor Tey’s preaching. I then realised how much the church’s doctrine lined up with the Word of God. This was a huge factor for me because I grew up as a Roman Catholic for 25 years and discovered how much that denomination was an abomination when compared to the Word of God. As a new Christian I grew to discover how important it is to base everything we believe on the bible.
We have been truly blessed by the Lord that we have found, and are able to serve in, a church that stands firm on the fundamentals of the faith. Some examples are, the KJV, salvation by grace through faith and soul-winning. These doctrines glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and perfect us as Christians to live as an example of Christ on earth.
Ephesians 4:11-13 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Since we began attending, our family has not only grown spiritually, but also physically! We now have three young boys, Jeremiah, Luke, and Paul. The culture of this church is a key reason we will be attending for years to come. It is family-orientated and firmly believes in nurturing the development of our children. It aims to have our children surrounded daily by the Word of God, to influence them to impact the world, and build God’s kingdom through their own lives.
I’m certain this church will be a blessing to you and your family, as it has been for us!”
Kassiotes Family
“It’s a blessing to have saved brothers and sisters so integral to our lives, and to watch our children grow up together.”
“In 2015, shortly after Stephanie got saved, we joined this church. I was saved a few years earlier. At the time, the church was still meeting at a house in Punchbowl. We were looking for a hard- preaching, KJV only, bible-believing church to get baptised in, and came across what now is a fundamental part of our lives.
I grew up as a Greek Orthodox and Stephanie as a Catholic. Coming from these two circles and both both being saved late into our 20’s, the whole ‘fundamental, bible believing church’ scene, the importance of church, and the church family were very foreign to us. Now however, it has become a central part of our lives!
We were baptised and married by Victor, and can honestly say that he, along with the other church members, have become very close and dear friends of ours. It’s a blessing to have saved brothers and sisters so integral to our lives, and to watch our children grow up together. We are also blessed to have the majority of our blood brothers, sisters and parents, as well as many life-long friends join the church as well!
We pray the Lord continues to bless our family, and allow us to grow even more.”
Perdikaris Family
“From there, our faith grew, being surrounded with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are one big family and it makes us feel at home.”
“I first heard about the church through a cousin of mine when I was starting to look into spiritual things. I was raised as a Greek Orthodox and Putri as a Muslim. We both had our doubts about what we were taught to believe growing up and started to have questions.
Once we understood and believed true salvation by grace through faith alone, we started to go to church on a regular basis. Victor helped answer a lot of our questions. He also baptised and married us! From there, our faith grew, being surrounded with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are one big family and it makes us feel at home.
We pray that we will continue to grow in the Lord both in our church ministries and personal lives.”
“The fellowship and support here is exactly what you would expect from a church that is filled with true brothers and sisters in Christ.”
“Our family is so glad to be apart of this amazing bible-believing church! Like-minded Christians are edified through biblical preaching by a wise, humble and truth-loving bishop. The fellowship and support here is exactly what you would expect from a church that is filled with true brothers and sisters in Christ.”
“It truly tests everything with the Word of God and leaves no room for vain tradition.”
“I have been a Christian since April 2011 and have been attending this church since September 2015. It wasn’t always like this, as I was born and raised in the Roman Catholic system of religion. Growing up, I went to mass on a weekly basis, but despite this, I never had any real understanding of why Jesus Christ died on the cross.
I learnt from a young age that death is not a respecter of persons (Psalm 103:15). This knowledge instilled the fear of God in me. I was always taught that you had to perform good deeds to get to heaven, but deep down I never felt good enough.
My perspective changed when a friend from high school shared the gospel to me in class. It was from that moment that I came to the understanding that salvation is a free gift that was purchased by Jesus through his death, burial and resurrection (Romans 6:23). Once received it can never be lost (John 10:28). Because of this amazing truth my soul has been delivered from hell.
This church is the best church for me to grow in, as a Christian, that I know of. It truly tests everything with the Word of God and leaves no room for vain tradition. It also sticks to the fundamentals of salvation, by faith alone through Christ alone, eternal security, KJV only, soul-winning, etc. These attributes alone puts me in good stead to serve God at this church for years to come.”
“I’m so glad to be in a church where I can call the people there, my family.”
“I was raised in a Greek Orthodox family and attended the Greek Orthodox Church every Sunday. When I sat in the mass, I couldn’t quite understand everything the priest said because he spoke in ancient Greek. One day, I had questions about Greek Orthodoxy and some of the practices they follow. I asked my mother why they do things like: praying to the saints, lighting candles, breaking eggs at Easter, etc. I didn’t get an answer I was satisfied with and began to doubt the religion.
I then started to read the Bible on my own to see if the Greek Orthodox religion lined up with the Bible. While searching, I realised that the Greek Orthodox religion actually contradicts what the Bible teaches. I prayed to God to lead me the right way. Around the same time, my brother was also searching for the Lord and questioned me about Greek Orthodoxy. I then put my faith in Christ and never looked back ever since.
I’m so glad to be in a church where I can call the people there, my family. I am so blessed that I can learn about Jesus Christ and grow together spiritually as a community. I am thankful to Victor, for being a great leader and showing us what it means to be a true believer in Christ.“
Bishop’s Award
Every year on our Anniversary Sunday I like to recognise one man and one woman within our church who lead by example in character, service and soul-winning. Below are previous recipients of this prestigious award.
2023 | Gershon Yuseco | Christine Yuseco |
2022 | Gershon Yuseco | Christine Yuseco |
2021 | Billy Perdikaris | Christine Yuseco |
2020 | Gershon Yuseco | Phillipa Bruce |
Church Photos
Take a trip down memory lane. Below is a collection of our church group photos that we take each Anniversary Sunday. Make sure you’re at the next Anniversary Sunday meeting to get your face in the next church photo!
8th Anniversary – 26th February 2023
7th Anniversary – 6th March 2022
6th Anniversary – 7th March 2021
5th Anniversary – 1st March 2020
4th Anniversary – 3rd March 2019
3rd Anniversary – 4th March 2018
2nd Anniversary – 5th March 2017
1st Anniversary – 6th March 2016
First Church Photo
Our church was founded on Sunday, 1st of March 2015, but unfortunately we never took a group photo on that day. Here is the first photo we took as a group on Sunday, 17th May 2015.